动画故事英文寓言故事 Muffin Stories全7季百度网盘下载


英文寓言故事 Muffin Stories

Muffin Stories是美国的一批独立艺术家们创建的CD Baby公司推出的儿童动画故事。画面风格类似与动态绘本的形式,语速较慢、吐字清晰,非常适合孩子们观看并反复听。前7季的101集均是短小寓言故事,每集3-9分钟不等,Muffin stories寓教于乐,每个故事教授一个道理,是英语母语国家幼童娱乐、教育故事类动画。

01Muffin Stories – Returned Shell of the

02Muffin Stories – For one as oneself

03Muffin Stories – Misunderstanding

04Muffin Stories – Can_t be angry more

05Muffin Stories – The remained thing of the Queen Zollar

06Muffin Stories – The night watchman in the dream

07Muffin Stories – The donkey for hopping

08Muffin Stories – The giant and his hat

09Muffin Stories – Who konws, you know

10Muffin Stories – The nurse doll

11Muffin Stories – Caterpillar_s Dream

12Muffin Stories – The Donkey and the Goat

13Muffin Stories – The Scarecrow and the Sparrow

14Muffin Stories – The Green Goblin and the Red Goblin

15Muffin Stories – Anyone can_t do that


01Muffin Stories – The Magic Red Hat

02Muffin Stories – Odol_s Talent

03Muffin Stories – The Large Carrot

04Muffin Stories – Greed

05Muffin Stories – Daru and the Mean Lion

06Muffin Stories – The Baby Lion_s Mistake

07Muffin Stories – Caterpillar_s Dream

08Muffin Stories – Boastful Father Spider

09Muffin Stories – Mole

10Muffin Stories – The Talkative Bunting


01Muffin Stories – The wise crow

02Muffin Stories – The result of the strong Cock_s Victory

03Muffin Stories – The Price of Greed

04Muffin Stories – The Greedy Boy

05Muffin Stories – The fox_s Correct Remark

06Muffin Stories – Foolish Magpie

07Muffin Stories – The Hungry Wolf and the Goat

08Muffin Stories – The Peony Tree and the Peony Flower

09Muffin Stories – The Dog in the Manger

10Muffin Stories – The Donkey and Salt

11Muffin Stories – The Lying Merchant

12Muffin Stories – The Farmer and his Three Sons

13Muffin Stories – The Bellflower that Looks Like a Silver Bel

14Muffin Stories – Flying Dandelion

15Muffin Stories – The farmer that waited for the rabbit


01Muffin Stories – The Red Fan and the Blue Fan

02Muffin Stories – A Father and His Two Daughters

03Muffin Stories – The Frog Whose Belly Burst

04Muffin Stories – Fart Contest

05Muffin Stories – Two Foolish People

06Muffin Stories – The Goblin who Imitated the Farmer_s Speech

07Muffin Stories – Egg Price Calculation

08Muffin Stories – Two Brothers Who Threw Away Their Lumps of

09Muffin Stories – Lady Carp

10Muffin Stories – The Flea_s Guilt

11Muffin Stories – The Kindhearted Brothers

12Muffin Stories – The Sun and The Moon

13Muffin Stories – The Old Lady that scolded a Tiger

14Muffin Stories – The bellflower that waited

15Muffin Stories – Zinnia

16Muffin Stories – The God knows


01Muffin Stories – The Green Frog that didn_t Listen

02Muffin Stories – The Grateful Magpie

03Muffin Stories – The Old Man with the wen

04Muffin Stories – The Tiger that Ate a Hot Stone

05Muffin Stories – The Story Pouch

06Muffin Stories – The Shy Touch-me-not

07Muffin Stories – The Mouse Bachelor

08Muffin Stories – The Filial Tiger

09Muffin Stories – The Child that Ate Honey

10Muffin Stories – The Windflower

11Muffin Stories – The Lazy Boy that Became a Cow

12Muffin Stories – The Dog and the Cat

13Muffin Stories – The Brier that Returned

14Muffin Stories – The Legend of the Chinese Delight

15Muffin Stories – The Forsythia that Bloomed from Dog Droppin

16Muffin Stories – The Japanese Apricot Tree


01Muffin Stories – The Crow and The fox

02Muffin Stories – The Grateful Eagle

03Muffin Stories – Hanging a bell on a cat

04Muffin Stories – The Boy Who Cried Wolf

05Muffin Stories – The Donkey with the Lion_s Fur

06Muffin Stories – The Large Fish_s Regret

07Muffin Stories – The Fox and the Grapes

08Muffin Stories – How did Mosquitos Come About

09Muffin Stories – The Oak and the Reed

10Muffin Stories – The Happy Three Brothers

11Muffin Stories – A Lantern for Others

12Muffin Stories – The Foolish Fox

13Muffin Stories – The Turtle that Carries a House Around

14Muffin Stories – The Pigeon and the Ant

15Muffin Stories – The Wind and the Sun


01Muffin Stories – Dinner Time

02Muffin Stories – Grandfather_s green fingers

03Muffin Stories – The hope of whose

04Muffin Stories – Mujuri and Zolbogi

05Muffin Stories – The safety-pin_s adventure

06Muffin Stories – The game for stop

07Muffin Stories – The lost kitten

08Muffin Stories – The Mice Go on a Picnic

09Muffin Stories – Young Captain Kiddo_s Dream

10Muffin Stories – The Crow that Wanted to be a King

11Muffin Stories – The Fox and the Goat

12Muffin Stories – The Grateful Mouse

13Muffin Stories – The Greedy Lion

14Muffin Stories – The Mother Crab and Baby Crab



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